Category: Photography

  • If the shoe fits

    If the shoe fits

    Used to tell someone that unpleasant or critical remarks which have been made about them are probably true or fair. And, yeah, that’s the Colosseum in the background.

  • Ordinário had extraodinary views

    Ordinário had extraodinary views

    Ordinário was a bar located next to the Tagus river in Lisbon. I went there in the summer of 2022, and caught this shot of a person running across the door. It was a great place to sit and contemplate life, and even though you can’t visit it anymore, that area is full of other good places to sip wine and cope with the heat of Lisbon in the summer.

  • Modena


    I had the chance to visit this city in June. I spent a few days of a month-long trip in Europe here, taking in the views of the city center, and trying to have a few peaceful days. I went to the market for supplies, and was really amazed by how cheap produce is, specially the fresh Mozzarella.

  • Airport setup

    Airport setup

    Lima, the capital of Perú, is known for its amazing food. If you’re ever around, even if only for a layover — such as my case right now — you can’t leave without trying a Cebiche. This one is from Tanta, and I’m enjoying it while releasing a new version of Create Block Theme.

  • Doha, Qatar

    Doha, Qatar

    I was stranded in Doha, Qatar, for a day (post incoming), so I took it as a chance to see the Museum of Islamic Art and the surrounding areas. These are some unedited sights.

  • Cooking together

    Cooking together

    For New Year’s I spent a few days up in the mountains with my closest people. It was a long weekend of cooking, eating, playing, and laughing. Getting away from the noise of the city and going into nature to make our own is a great way to reset and start the new year with a renewed perspective of what matters most.

  • So coffee in Porto

    So coffee in Porto

    2022 brought me to many places, and this café in Porto is one of them. I took beans back home, some of which were from Latin America; I can’t help but find it funny that I’m bringing Latin American beans back to the New World.

  • Jazz and wine

    Jazz and wine

    Nights filled with rage, with unsatisfied desires
    Jazz unwinds, wine accelerates the mind
    unfinished tasks
    neglected talks
    dislocated looks
    crooked smiles
    Stare at the saxophone,
    fixate on the ride, ride, ride
    I can’t tell whether this is in my mind
    or outside
    focus, do I recognize this phrase?
    do I recognize this voice?
    don’t miss your turn,
    jump in, sing, sing, sing.
  • Buena onda

    Buena onda

    No des nada, por favor, almenos (sic) que debas realmente. Gracias. Si piensas que te debo algo por el disturbio que mi música te causa, y porque un anciano raro como yo no debería tocarlo, y más bien debería estar con pensión y sedado en un asilo, solo tómalo de la caja del saxo. Gracias.